Resources for those fighting Addiction.
Tobacco-Free Life. The Tobacco-Free Life Organization is a leading organization with a mission to save lives by ending worldwide disease, damage and death caused by tobacco.
The Problems of Smoking on Dental Health. A link recommended by Dan Goldman from Books are Gold.(See his link below) |
The Link Between Addiction and Childhood Trauma Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Cassiobury Court. |
Books Are Gold Dan is a former high school English teacher and an avid book-lover. |
From Detox to Rehab to Recovery. Our Community Detox to Rehab has established a recovery community that provides support for those walking the path of Recovery. |
The Ultimate Guide to Addiction and Suicide. Ocean Recovery is a alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre. We provide services to addicts wishing to attain recovery. Services we provide are divided into two areas: detoxification and rehabilitation |
Rehab a free and national helpline assisting people suffering from addiction and mental health problems. You can contact Rehab Recovery on 0800 088 66 86. |
SAMHSA Treatment Facility LocatorWelcome to the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health problems. |
Addiction Guide. Our mission is to help all those affected by addiction by providing reliable and comprehensive resources, advice, tips and guides. |
Drug is a public benefit service which provides drug addicts, alcoholics, dual diagnosis sufferers, and individuals suffering from other addictions with the largest publicly rated treatment directory online. |
Rehab Info is a comprehensive guide for the entire treatment process - from spotting issues to find and enrolling into rehabillation. |
The American Society of Addiction Medicine ASAM, founded in 1954, is a professional medical society representing over 5000 physicians, clinicians and associated professionals in the field of addiction medicine. |
Quit Now! The Australian Government Quit Now Website. |
Dual Diagnosis Web Site. Dual Diagnosis refers to co-occurring Mental Illness, Drug Addiction and/or Alcoholism in various combinations. |
Australian Cancer Council Website. As Australia's peak national non-government cancer control1 organisation, Cancer Council Australia advises the Australian Government and other bodies on practices and policies to help prevent, detect and treat cancer. |
Dual Recovery Anonymous. Dual Recovery Anonymous™ is an independent, nonprofessional, Twelve Step, self-help membership organization for people with a dual diagnosis. |
The US National Cancer Institute. Need to stop smoking? The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the federal government's principal agency for cancer research and training. |
The Schizophrenia is an internet community dedicated to providing high quality information, support and education to the family members, caregivers and individuals whose lives have been impacted by schizophrenia. This web community was founded in memory of John Chiko, who suffered from schizophrenia. |
Mental Health Net. Our service is freely available and intended for both laypeople and professionals. Online since 1995, has been the recipient of many awards and citations. |
Marijuana Anonymous Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction. |
Cocaine Anonymous World Services Cocaine Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from their addiction. | Resources for those seeking help with symptoms of Drug withdrawal. Addiction affects millions of people worldwide. Some hide their addictions, others can’t help but to expose the world to their problem. For most reaching crisis mode in their addiction is the time they choose to quit. |
Addiction Center. Since 2014, Addiction Center has been an informational web guide for those who are struggling with substance use disorders and co-occurring behavioral and mental health disorders. |
Learn Psychology New student guide to suicide and depression awareness. People contemplating suicide or experiencing the depths of a severe depression need to know they are not alone. From teenagers to college students, LGBT to the elderly, people struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts need options, reassurance, hope and help. |
Accredited Schools A guidebook to help students and their families better understand the mental challenges that many students will face while in college and how to properly deal with them. |
American Addiction Centers. Drug Rehab Guides for Addiction & Mental Health. Understanding your treatment options and seeking out that perfect treatment provider can be a time-consuming task, but all your work is worthwhile. After all, everything you learn about addiction and every step you make toward a treatment decision could help the person you love to heal. |
notMYkid. notMYkid was started in 1999 by Debbie and Steve Moak. The non-profit organization was born out of the real life experience of a family dealing with substance abuse. |
Drug is a web resource provided and funded by Advanced Recovery Systems. Since 2015, the website has provided researched, fact-based resources for free. |
A Substance Abuse Guide for Parents. As a parent, you are one of the biggest influences on your child’s decision to try alcohol or other drugs. There are several effective ways to discourage your kid from trying addictive substances, and you can be the biggest source of support if your child needs help recovering from addiction. |
Affordable Colleges Online. Student Mental Health. A guide to identifying disorders and promoting wellness. |
Addiction Helper. An information web site and treatment service for people with addictions, created by people in recovery. Do you, a friend, a family member or a work colleague have an addiction problem? Are you looking for professional help and don’t know where to start? |
On the Wagon. The Real Facts about Drugs. OnTheWagon was founded by victims of drug and alcohol abuse with the objective of creating the most comprehensive and authoritative resource for parents, children, friends, and society as a whole on drug abuse and mental health related issues, with the end goal to get them back “on the wagon.” |
Rehab 4 Addiction. Welcome to Rehab 4 Addiction. Established in 2012 by Oliver Clark, Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction. |
A History of Alchoholics Anonymous. by Oliver Clark - this visual and auditory history of Alcoholics Anonymous covers the period 1932-1971. |
Windward Way Recovery. How To Diagnose Opioid Addiction? Opioid addiction has become an epidemic in the United States. More than two million people are currently battling this disorder... |
A-Z Guide to Alcoholism & Depression. Rehab 4 Alcoholism works closely with rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics throughout the United Kingdom and the admissions team match patients’ addiction with an appropriately placed rehabilitation centre. |
Mesothelioma and Smoking. Smoking is one of the most harmful activities to human health. It causes a variety of cancers and a number of other health conditions. |
UK Addiction Treatment Centres. Catering for all people from all walks of life. All our rehabs have 24/7 on-site specialist addiction professionals ensuring the patient will have the highest level of care offered in the country. |
The Student Loan Report. The Student Loan Report helps keep students and their families up-to-date on the latest student loan and financial aid news and information so they can make the best decisions when it comes to paying for college and repaying debt. |
The Recovery Village. We Can Help You Overcome Your Addiction Today! An advanced approach to addiction treatment and drug treatment empowers individuals on the path to recovery. | We are a community website and want to share the stories of other women and men who have experienced PPD. |
How Dogs Can Help with Mental Health! “The human-animal bond bypasses the intellect and goes straight to the heart and emotions and nurtures us in ways that nothing else can.” – Karin Winegar. |
Addiction Group Addiction Group is an informational web guide created for people struggling with substance use disorders. |
Grief and Recovery: Overcoming Guilt and Loss After the Death of an Adult Child. |
Assorted Resources for those fighting Addiction (Financial etc).